May 2022
Statement of unauthorised use of “CITIC Pacific” in the publication of list of enterprises
Recently, the Company has received inquiries as to whether there is any relationship between certain entities using the corporate name containing the words “CITIC Pacific” and our Company, CITIC Pacific. In order to protect the rights and interests of consumers and investors, and to fulfill its obligation to provide risk warnings, the Company hereby declares it has not authorised the use of its name, has no investment in or affiliation with the companies listed below. Consumers and investors are advised to exercise caution and take precautions against all risks.
The Company will update the list from time to time. As there might be a certain time lag in updating the list, in case of doubt, please log on to the National Enterprise Credit Information Disclosure Platform (, Qichacha (企查查), Tianyancha(天眼查) and other industrial and commercial information data apps for verification. Or please contact CITIC Pacific Corporate Communications Department (+852-2820 2111).
Attachment: the list of companies that have not authorized the use of the “CITIC Pacific” trademark